The Egyptian Academy of Bone Health and Metabolic bone diseases is a professional medical association of health professionals with special interest in osteoporosis and metabolic bone diseases. The Academy provides free podcast interviews with experts in the field, keeping you up to date with the latest research on your computer or on the go. In cooperation with the specialists in the field of Osteoporosis, the Egyptian Academy created e-Learning Modules for colleagues who would like to learn more about diagnosis and management of Osteoporosis. Please see the about us page. The Academy advocates for patients and the public and set standards for Bone Health, management of metabolic bone disorders as well as Bone Health education. The Academy works in collaboration with other colleagues regionally as well as internationally. Recent publications: P742- TREAT-TO-TARGET CONSENSUS MANAGEMENT APPROACH FOR PEDIATRIC OSTEOPOROSIS, IOF-ESCEO conference 2019 Paris. OP0216- IDENTIFICATION AND MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS AT INCREASED RISK OF OSTEOPOROTIC FRACTURE: IMPLEMENTATION OF IMMINENT RISK FACTOR IN STANDARD DAILY PRACTICE FOR BONE MINERAL DENSITY ASSESSMENT AND PATIENT MANAGEMENT, EULAR 2019 Madrid.

About Us

The Egyptian Academy for bone health and metabolic bone disease is a professional association which has been set up to advance the current the scientific knowledge as well as understanding of bone health and metabolic bone disease translating them into benefits for the society at the national level. Also, to at set up links and new partnerships internationally, and to contribute to the international efforts to develop new innovative approaches towards new diagnostic tools, interventions as well as treatment protocols. The Egyptian Academy was set up to bring together the best minds, clinicians, researchers, specialities as well as academics, from different geographical sites at the national level, who have interest in the field of bone health. The Egyptian Academy of bone health and metabolic bone diseases stated its strategic aims which include a vision of optimizing osteoporosis and bone health management locally in Egypt as well as a mission to raise awareness of bone health more widely. The Egyptian Academy of bone health and metabolic bone diseases (EABHMBD) is a non-profit, voluntary health organisation dedicated to promoting lifelong bone health in Egypt.

Osteoporosis in Egypt

Egypt is one of the most populous countries in Africa and the Middle East. With a 2019 estimated population of 100.39 million, Egypt ranks 14th in the world. As of 2017 estimates, this population age structure is now at 37.6% 25-54 years of age, 4.22% for 65 plus years of age, and a staggering 52.23 % of the population is under the age of 25. Considering age structure and male: female ratio, as of 2017 figures (population in 2017 was 97,041,072): Age: 55-64 years: 5.95% (male 2,861,136/female 2,911,586); Age 65 years and over: 4.22% (male 1,993,248/female 2,097,896). However, this statistic will change dramatically over the next 10-30 years when the group of 25-54 years of age ((male 18,545,422/female 17,944,582) will be approaching or over the age of 65.

Osteoporosis has been reported in ancient Egyptians (2687-2191 BC). Zaki et al [1] examined 74 skeletons and performed a DXA scan on these ancient Egyptians. Recently, based on different studies, it has been estimated that 53.9% of postmenopausal women have osteopenia whereas 28.4% have osteoporosis. On the other hand, in men, epidemiologic studies revealed that 26% have osteopenia and 21.9% have osteoporosis. The prevalence of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women in rural areas of Upper Egypt was higher reaching 47.8% [2]. Whilst there are no data about the prevalence of osteoporotic hip fractures in Egypt, data collected from 18,000 postmenopausal Egyptian women, revealed that the prevalence of vertebral fracture was assessed in normal, osteopenic and osteoporotic women. Results revealed that the prevalence of 1-3 vertebral fracture was 10.3%, prevalence of >3 vertebral fracutres was 1.7%; whereas prevalence of all fracture types was 12% [3, 4].

Awareness of osteoporosis has been reported to be vary amongst Egyptians. In a study which included 462 women aged 40 and over and 262 physicians (excluding orthopedists and radiologists), results showed that awareness amongst women of risk factors and preventative measures was very low, particularly in rural areas where nearly one-third having unsatisfactory levels of awareness. A significant association was found between levels of awareness and socio-demographic factors such as income, place of residence and type of occupation. On the other hand, 47% of the healthcare professionals were reported to have unsatisfactory levels of awareness, mostly related to their knowledge about the types of the disease (primary or secondary), risk factors and diagnostic methods. None of the sociodemographic factors were found to be associated with their level of awareness [5, 6]. There are several challenges in considering diagnosis and management of osteoporosis and metabolic bone disease in Egypt. So far, there are no official guidelines published for the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis in Egypt. There are no reference figures for bone mineral content, no fracture liaison service, no systematized post fracture care or falls prevention/ management program.

1. Zaki et al. (2009) Osteoporosis among ancient Egyptians. Int. J. Osteoarchaeol. 19:78-89

2. Taha M. (2011) Prevalence of osteoporosis in Middle East systemic literature review, 10th ECOO, April 2011-

3. Selim MA, Mahran DG, Khalil SA et al. Prevalence and risk factors of osteoporosis in postmenopausal rural women in Upper Egypt using ultrasound densitometry. (2009).

4. Gheita T, Hammam N. Epidemiology and awareness of osteoporosis: a viewpoint from the Middle East and North Africa Int. J. Clin. Rheumatol. (2018) 13(3): 134-147

5. El Badawy AA, SharkawyGFEl, Fahmy HH, Demitry SR, Sherif NA, El Badawy SA. Awareness about osteoporosis among a sample of women and healthcare providers in Zagazig District Egypt. Egyptian Osteoporosis Prevention Society Conference, 2008

6. Nauib I, Pasha M, Gamal V. Sadat G. An assessment of osteoporosis knowledge and practices among female adolescent students in ElMinia, Egypt. Afr. J. Nurs. Midwifery 2015; 2 (6): 266-271,


e-Learning Bone Health:

Our e-learning activities will help you develop your knowledge and skills around bone health to deliver the best possible care for your patients. Our range of online courses and modules are developed in partnership with bone health clinicians and experts. They are highly regarded and offer a gold standard of training.

Module 1 Osteoporosis overview:

The e-learning activity aims to provide clinicians working in medical specialties such as rheumatology, endocrinology, care of the elderly, gastroenterology, orthopaedics, respiratory medicine and clinical chemistry with the knowledge and understanding to manage patients with osteoporosis. The activity focus is on practical issues relating to patient management and is strongly recommended for anyone who treats patients with osteoporosis. A case scenario learning is included at the end of the session. This learning activity is suitable for clinicians of different levels of expertise, including doctors in specialist training, consultants, GPs and specialist nurses.

Module 2

There are challenges that arise in the interpretation of bone mineral density results from growing and developing children. This e-learning activity is designed for paediatricians, pediatric rheumatologists, as well as health care professionals managing children. The activity focuses on the assessment of children who may be at risk for a low mineral density; diagnosis and management of osteoporosis in children and adolescents with chronic diseases. It will also highlight approaches to appropriate reporting of pediatric bone density. It will help you to tailor your experience and knowledge to fill this void gap in the diagnosis and management of children and adolescents prone to bone health problems.

News and Activities

Recent publications:



• Preparing for our presentations in Ain Shams University Rheumatology Conference, Januray 2020, Cairo, Egypt